Single Page Versions/Almanac in the Media

Friday, May 31, 2013

New Oakland Unite (formerly Measure Y) Violence Prevention Evaluation Released

Resource Development Associates of Oakland has issued its most recent evaluation of the effectiveness of Oakland's civilian violence prevention programs funded by Measure Y, now housed under the city office known as Oakland Unite. Spending money on these programs can be controversial. Some think all crime-fighting money should go toward a bigger and better OPD. Some like to say, "Well, you can't arrest your way out of our problems." Some say both a community-based violence prevention approach and a stronger police force are needed.

Prevention can be difficult to quantify. You can't necessarily count up the things that didn't happen, the retaliatory shootings that were prevented by Caught in the Crossfire, a hospital-based intervention program that works with young people wounded in the city's violence, or the turf group wars that didn't flare up because of the intervention of the Oakland Unite Street Outreach teams, which walk the city's most dangerous streets at the most dangerous hours trying to keep the peace.

One thing is for sure, civilian violence prevention is cheaper than more police. In the past, I've called it Oakland's Moneyball approach to public safety

Anyway, it's all in the evaluation's summary, posted on Oakland Unite's web site, right here. I'll give it a closer look and write more about its findings if I can get over this feeling that no one cares if I do or not.


  1. Hi there, just came across your blog and I am reading the articles with interest, and am learning a lot. As a newer resident to Oakland I really appreciate your perspective and your dedication in covering these subjects.



  2. Becca,
    Thanks for reading the blog. One thing I would say is, as a newer resident, try not to judge Oakland solely by the stuff on my blog. As you may already know, it's a wonderful and beautiful city, despite its ongoing struggles with violence. I love living here and I hope you do, too. Thanks again. -Jim
